Assessment Resource No 3

assessment resources Apr 11, 2021

Developing subject matter when composing texts

Often when assessing student writing, observations are made around aspects such as punctuation, sentence structure, spelling and vocabulary. By considering how subject matter or field is represented in a text we can apply a meaningful lens to language choices made and develop or adapt teaching and learning based on need.

By looking at a student work sample,  through the lens of the field or subject matter, choices at the clause and group level can reveal much about student skills but also needs and consequently the design of teaching. These questions assist in talking about subject matter and guiding discussion about language choice and function:

Who or what participants might be involved in what occurs? (noun group)

What kinds of processes, happenings or activities might occur? (verb group)

What circumstances might surround the the activities? (adverbial)

Assessment Resource No 3 builds upon...

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Assessment Resource No 2

assessment resources Mar 07, 2021

What's my purpose?

Have you ever wondered how to assess understanding of text purpose when looking at texts your students compose? Unpack what we mean by text purpose in a given context and link assessment to teaching.

Assessment Resource No 2 builds upon Assessment Resource No 1 which looked at a focus on assessment for learning (formative), and a way of designing assessment tasks for composing. 

Once we have implemented a task that shows what students are able to achieve, it is important that we view their texts through a range of lenses in order to design or adapt teaching and learning. In this resource, we focus on the purpose of composing texts and how analysis of an assessment task can give us insights into designing teaching and learning about text purpose beyond just discussing texts as imaginative, informative or persuasive.

Subscribe here and receive my FREEBIE 'What's my purpose?'

Assess through the lens of text purpose...

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Assessment Resource No 1

assessment resources Feb 02, 2021

Find out the needs of your students when composing texts

Are you looking for a process for designing assessment to find out about your students' skills, knowledge and understanding when composing their own texts?

Given it's the beginning of the school year, you are probably thinking about how to find out what your students can already do when composing texts and then how to develop or adjust your teaching and learning programs to take them further (formative assessment). Consequently, you'll also be wanting to see their progress as a result of the teaching that occurs (summative assessment).

Subscribe here and receive my FREEBIE model for designing assessment tasks for composing. It can be adapted for a range of contexts. An example has been provided as well as a blank copy for you to develop and implement your own task.

Be clear on the purpose, features and demands of your task as you plan. Consider how to support students to demonstrate their ability. Carefully...

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