Maintaining the Integrity of Teaching and Learning Programs in these Covid Times

How do I ensure my online teaching has key elements of effective pedagogy?

After talking to several teachers in recent weeks, I’ve been thinking about how the integrity of existing or designed teaching and learning programs can be maintained and transferred to the online learning environment as we learn to live in lockdowns. Effective teaching will always be effective teaching, but I guess it’s about unpacking elements of effective teaching and then thinking about how adjustments to pedagogy can ensure effective teaching occurs regardless of the mode.

To reflect on what constitutes effective teaching, we have numerous sources that outline what this looks like. In the past 20 years teachers have been given a myriad of tools and frameworks for reflecting on and designing learning. This has included the Quality Teaching Framework in NSW (Department of Education, 2008) and Productive Pedagogies in Queensland (Education Queensland, 2002) in the early-mid 2000s....

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Australian Curriculum Review Consultation

current topics Jul 01, 2021

Why should you provide feedback on the Australian Curriculum Review Consultation?

Time is running out to provide feedback on the Australian Curriculum Review with the closing date of 8 July fast approaching. Feedback is being sought on Learning Areas, General capabilities and Cross-curriculum priorities. You can find the survey and a range of resources to support your response on the Australian Curriculum Review page.

As many states have adapted the Australian Curriculum or developed their own syllabus documents, we may think responding to the Australian Curriculum review is not a priority, especially given how time poor teachers are currently. However, the Australian Curriculum 'outlines the core knowledge and skills to be taught to students from Foundation to Year 10, wherever they live in Australia' ACARA, 2021. This is worth remembering. Of key importance, is the development and refinement of state documents currently and the need to ensure they continue to align with...

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NSW English K–2: Draft outcomes and content feedback

current topics Apr 24, 2021

Feedback on English K-2 Draft Outcomes and Content

Time is fast running out to provide your feedback on the NSW English and Mathematics K–2 draft outcomes. It is critical that we all respond as feedback will inform the development of these syllabuses, which will ultimately impact on classroom practices. 

Kathy Rushton and I have put together our own feedback on the English K–2: Draft outcomes and content. 

The NSW English K-2 Draft outcomes and content attempts to address the political discourse around “the basics” but its structure and isolation of skills, particularly in the area of reading, has the potential for detrimental implications within classrooms and for a diverse range of learners.

Please feel free to read more of our detailed response. It may be of use when preparing your own feedback. You can add your feedback to the online survey until 30 April. 

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